miscellaneous - pugsom

53 Days to D-Day

So. I must’ve mentioned it a zillion times about this exam that I’m taking. It’s always seemed so far away in the future and I just talk about it but don’t do much to alleviate the anxiety; but now it’s really just right around the corner. Nowwww the panic has reallyyyyy set in. And I mean REALLYYYY. Sh’damn.

Ordinarily I’d write more on this, but not today. Enough of talking/writing about feelings about it, (I swear, sometimes I feel I need a break from myself lol), so I channeled my energy instead to create this mix. A playlist to accompany myself while I study. Sharing it here, so if you’re studying too you can have a listen. Or even if you’re not studying, these are great selections. (Or so I say. :P)  Enjoy!