X #1. As I steer my way in and out of the human crowd during peak hours after work, I imagine myself watching my movements from a high vantage point. I must have looked like a tiny blip zig-zagging through the sea of other blips. There are times that I feel it’s harder to maneuver my way amidst the human traffic than it is driving on the 5-lane 405 freeway. Thank goodness PMS only happens once a month, else I’d be bald by now from all the pulling of own hair.
X #2: This island republic is over-saturated with consumption. I don’t mean it in a bad way. But it’s stands out like a sore eye, more so than her neighbors, probably because of its limited land and high human population density. Everywhere I turn, I see something calling out my name, seducing me to buy them. I feel trapped, claustrophobic even, surrounded by lures of Consumption. The irony is, being someone who loves living in big cities, this shouldn’t bother me, yet it does. My being so eerily conscious about this is having an effect on me, something which I can’t quite explain or fully understand. To be pondered upon further.
X #3: Dreams. It’s a big part of my life. I love having all sorts of dreams when I sleep. They say I’m not getting proper rest when I dream, but I couldn’t care less. Life would be less interesting without them, at least for me anyway. These days I have recurring dreams about snowboarding, except its not on snow, but water. (Is there a name for that sport? Don’t know what it’s called.) That, and water theme parks. Roller coasters in water theme parks. There is this particular ride that I keep dreaming about. And I’m constantly looking for someone, people whom I got separated from. It’s either i’m running away from someone, or chasing after someone. Wonder what it means, if it really means something.
X #4: Recently saw ‘Pi’ the movie. Very interesting movie, though can’t say I get the ending. Ivan, if you’re reading this, you should watch it (if you haven’t already)! Promise you’ll find it very interesting. And tell me what you think after watching it.
X #5: Patience is a difficult thing to acquire. Find myself getting antsy about things I have no control over, despite knowing very well I can’t do anything but wait. So for now, wait it is.