life - musings

Reflections on 2010

Two thousand and ten was, for me, a great year. I completed most of the things I said I would do, I visited a few places, I’m one step closer to my dream, had quite a few revelations, made quite a few good friends, met interesting people, but most of all, I had a few surprises thrown at me that I never thought would’ve happened in my lifetime. I am reminded, once again, that life is so much more than what our senses tell us, that there is something bigger going on in this universe. It sounds vague, but only because it is. We mortals only know so much about the universe, which is paltry compared to the vast amount of information yet to be learned.
I’ve learnt so much over the past year- not just concrete facts or information I learned in the healthcare courses, but something more abstract. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder, what would’ve happened if I did one thing different in any point of life- just one, for all it takes is just one, single event to change everything. My life would have taken a different course, no doubt. And yet, I am sitting here typing this, instead of doing or thinking about anything else. As one who never believed everything was just a series of random occurrences, I’m convinced that there is a set of laws that governs life (and beyond), and this set of laws which is more commonly known as Fate, or Destiny, (or God?), continues to intrigue and humble me. 
I stepped into 2010 with very realistic expectations, but came out of it with a handful of surprises, and with a bagful of lessons. I am, if I may say so, a little wiser than I was in 2009, and my heart is filled with gratitude and humility. 2011 will be a life-changing year for me, and I will be starting a new chapter of life. How it will turn out I have no idea, but I’m hopeful. With luck, I’ll be able to embark on that road for which I’ve waited so long. Whatever it is though, I will embrace every moment with my open arms, and continue my journey learning and exploring as I go. I wish everyone the best in this new year to come. 🙂