
FD Day 23: On Lists and Food

I realized I’ve never listed all the food I love to eat… but that’s mainly because I love almost everything. No I’m not joking. The list would look something like this:

My Fav Food
1. Uhm… (Almost) everything. 

Which would make it completely pointless. -___-

Except, thank goodness, I don’t love everything. Durian for one would not be on my Fav-Food list; nor durian flavored dodol, durian flavored ice cream and durian shake. It used to be on my Never-Eat list, but I upgraded it to Neutral-Food list (‘”neutral food” as in food that I have neutral feelings for, like a 3 out of 5 star rating, not food that has neutral taste) some time ago, which is even better for me because now I have one less list to keep track of (yes durian was the only item on that list!). 😛

But still. Just as it’s hard for me to list down all the food I hate or don’t eat (because there’s barely any), it’s impossible for me to come up with a list of my favorite food. In fact I don’t think I can ever compile an exhaustive list. I actually attempted to do so for this post, but only ended up getting so frustrated because I can’t get it right–too many items and I don’t even know where to begin!! Grrrr!

Clearly this list is something that needs more thoughts and time to compile, but I’m making a mental note to self that some day I’ll come up with an up-to-date list of my favorite food. 🙂  But here’s a couple of pictures of what I’m craving for right now:


Sigh. But all I’m eating is anything but. Soon…!! Soon I will get them! After my last day of classes. 🙂