May Day

Why hello there, world! It’s been so long since I last wrote anything here, I’m ashamed of myself for not doing so more frequently. I know I know, that’s what I say the last time too lol. Thing is, I don’t pen down my thoughts whenever they came up- usually during the day when I’m out and about. When I get home, I just could not lift up a finger to do anything else, let alone write. So many times I collapse in the bed right after taking a shower with the hair still dripping wet. And of course, the next morning I’d get lectured by mom for sleeping with wet hair and not blow-drying it dry “because the “wind” will seep through the pores and when you grow old next time you will have terrible headaches”! Makes me feel guilty every time, and yet, I still don’t do it- not because I’m adamant or I find pleasure in pissing my mom off, but because I never intended to sleep right after I shower. On the contrary, I always have plans for the night, to complete some reading or write-ups etc.  And yet, somehow the 15-minute nap always become hours. Seriously. Sometimes I don’t know why I even try. -_-  I blame it on the age. As we grow older, we just don’t have the energy to stay up late anymore. Or maybe it’s just me. :/

So it’s already May. I have so many funny stories to share, and some thoughts to share on what’s happening in the world, but writing them now after things have happened so long ago seemed pointless. And also I’m just too malas to do so lol. Will try to be better at writing as life unfolds.

Some updates: currently in my last rotation of third year- Medicine. Loving it so far, but am constantly feeling overwhelmed- there’s just so much to learn in too short a time. So not ready for exams in June. On most days it feels like life is flying past me at the speed of a bullet train and I am a tortoise crawling trying to catch up. Try as I might to crawl at my best speed, I am still light-years away from where I should be. Ugh. Okay stopping here. Tortoise needs to get back to crawling. Toodles!