So! As I mentioned in the last post, we’re having our Transition to Wards course right now, and we’re almost at the end of our second week. Last week we focused on Basic Life Support, learning CPR, EKG interpretation, and how to handle emergencies / acute care in a hospital setting. There were many sessions of acute care simulation; each scenario is different from the others, each one has many learning points. There is the communication component of it, and then the clinical acumen part of it. So much to learn, absorb and internalize, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed. It’s easy to allow all this to intimidate self, but I know, too, that the point of all this is not to scare us but to give us an idea of how it’ll be like in the wards and what we’re about to face. The goal is to equip us with a set of basic skills and a sense of the real setting so we don’t feel like we’re being thrown into the lion’s cage without any warning. In this sense I feel the TTW course has accomplished its goal. This week the focus was on medico-legal information and bioethics, the latter being one of my interested areas. End of life care, informed consent, truth telling, confidentiality etc. All of this is just so… messy. There’s no clear-cut answer to all situations, and every situation is different. Some people don’t like it, but it’s precisely why it’s so interesting to me. This is the humanity part of medicine, and it’s one of the main reasons why I’m doing this. I just hope I don’t get all jaded by the end of housemanship…
Some photos taken during phlebotomy and scrubbing sessions. Was too immersed on practicing instrument tie and two-handed knot I forgot to snap shots of my ugly sutures. Next time maybe. 🙂