Some thoughts on nature and us, and then some pixels I took of nature. What prompted it? Well it must be the warm Christmas followed by 3-foot snow, and the fluctuation of temperature. ‘Tis global warming. Not as dramatic as the Hollywood films would have it, but it’s happening…
Anyway. Am not in the mood to discuss serious topic like that. I’ll leave that for another time. Today is just some reflection with hot tea. Cheers all.
“Nature is purposeless. Nature simply is.
We may find nature beautiful or terrible, but those feelings are human constructions.
Such utter and complete mindlessness is hard for us to accept.
We feel such a strong connection to nature.
But the relationship between nature and us is one-sided.
There is no reciprocity.”
Art installation along the trail and a frozen lake.
Book of life.
Elephant made from metal scraps and recycled items.
Picture doesn’t do the leaves and the surrounding enough justice.
I’ll have to come out here again when it’s not gloomy and wet.