• health care - life - Malaysia - medicine


    Preamble I’ve been saving this draft I wrote long ago towards the end of my fourth year of med school, uncertain if I should share it. Was worried that I’d get in trouble for sharing something like that. It’s probably unlikely, given that I’m not sharing any identifiable information about the patient or the personnel taking care of the patient. Plus, it’s been so long ago… I doubt anyone other than myself remembered this incident. I’ve considered deleting it and just move on, but some things are hard to let go, and this is one of them. Sharing it now…

  • health care - medicine

    Nurses’ Day

    At least in Singapore it’s around this time of the year. International Nurses’ Day is sometime in May. Wonder who else celebrates nurses’ day yesterday. I wanna say they’re a great bunch of people; taking care of patients day-in day-out. It’s really a tough job you know, especially those who work in the chronic sick homes and the nursing homes. The fact that they have to change them at least 5 times a day, shower them at least once a day, transfer them etc. is back-breaking enough (I know I couldn’t have lasted more than a month doing these); and…

  • health care - medicine


    saw this video, and i had to share this. being the geek that i am, i always find it fascinating that technology can do so much to enhance our learning experience.