“Huis Clos”, which is French for Behind Closed Doors, a play written by Jean-Paul Sartre. It’s a play about three people who died and went to hell, and was placed in a room. And the whole play revolves around what happened in the room, hence the title ‘behind closed doors’. I won’t spoil the fun of reading the play for you, but the gist of the story is that they soon realized that they each annoy the hell out of one another so much so that they came to the conclusion that “hell is other people”. If you’re interested, the English title…
This is one of my favorite songs that has been on loop during the heme-onc block: This is a nerd version of that song that’s just priceless. Hilarious! Enjoy:
Every now and then, I will dream of some bizarre, out-of-the-world stuff. This afternoon nap was one of such occasions. Plot:I was in a car with some friends on our little expedition of treasure hunt when the heavens opened up and poured gallons of water like there’s no tomorrow. Reluctant to just stop somewhere and wait it out – God knows how long we had to wait – we kept on driving wherever the road would take us. When we finally came to a stop, the sky was clear, and all of us got out of the car for some…