Huis Clos

“Huis Clos”, which is French for Behind Closed Doors, a play written by Jean-Paul Sartre. It’s a play about three people who died and went to hell, and was placed in a room. And the whole play revolves around what happened in the room, hence the title ‘behind closed doors’. I won’t spoil the fun of reading the play for you, but the gist of the story is that they soon realized that they each annoy the hell out of one another so much so that they came to the conclusion that “hell is other people”. If you’re interested, the English title for the book is “No Exit”.

But the reason why I’m writing this has nothing to do with the book itself, or the moral of the story. The reason is this:

Edited with Prisma App.
Every morning I go to work, and I have to go through this door, walk down a corridor to the very end of it, to get to my home base at work. There it is, the “No Exit” sign. It wasn’t too long ago that they put it there. And so every time I see this sign, I’m reminded of the play, and I can’t help but chuckle. Whoever’s idea of putting this up must have a very dark sense of humor. 😂😂😂
Or it could very well just be coincidence. Okay fine, I’ll admit it most likely is just coincidence. But it doesn’t take away the hidden link and humor that only I seemed to get. No matter. I’m fine with being the only person who finds it hilarious.
I’ve since shared it with a few of my friends, whom I’m not sure if they entirely understood what I find so funny, or if they thought I think of them as hell. I hope it’s not the latter. :/  And I hope I don’t need to clarify that I never thought my workplace or my colleagues are hell to me.
That’s it for this random post. Happy Saturday peeps!


I don’t know how it happened, but it did. It’s already June and I’m done with third year of med school it’s unbelievable. For the longest time it’s just day after day after day, exams after exams, now that it had ended it felt a little surreal. But that’s not the end… yet. For what comes after third year.. is the fourth year, the year we have to do sub-internships, take up more responsibilities, and act more like an intern. First half will be shit tough, but everyone says the second half of fourth year would be sort of a honeymoon period before the “real doctor’s life” (i.e. residency/housemanship) begins. Yet as we were briefed on our fourth year’s schedule the other day, it didn’t take us long to realize the honeymoon period is nonexistent for us. 

*deep breaths* 
No matter. We’ll survive, that’s what I keep telling myself. More exams to come, up next is the major one- 12 OSCEs in a day. Good luck to those of us taking it tomorrow. Peace. 

Footnote: Writing this on the go. I think I’ll be doing more of this now that I don’t have the luxury of sitting down and just enjoy a block of time blogging. Right, back to the books.  

May Day

Why hello there, world! It’s been so long since I last wrote anything here, I’m ashamed of myself for not doing so more frequently. I know I know, that’s what I say the last time too lol. Thing is, I don’t pen down my thoughts whenever they came up- usually during the day when I’m out and about. When I get home, I just could not lift up a finger to do anything else, let alone write. So many times I collapse in the bed right after taking a shower with the hair still dripping wet. And of course, the next morning I’d get lectured by mom for sleeping with wet hair and not blow-drying it dry “because the “wind” will seep through the pores and when you grow old next time you will have terrible headaches”! Makes me feel guilty every time, and yet, I still don’t do it- not because I’m adamant or I find pleasure in pissing my mom off, but because I never intended to sleep right after I shower. On the contrary, I always have plans for the night, to complete some reading or write-ups etc.  And yet, somehow the 15-minute nap always become hours. Seriously. Sometimes I don’t know why I even try. -_-  I blame it on the age. As we grow older, we just don’t have the energy to stay up late anymore. Or maybe it’s just me. :/

So it’s already May. I have so many funny stories to share, and some thoughts to share on what’s happening in the world, but writing them now after things have happened so long ago seemed pointless. And also I’m just too malas to do so lol. Will try to be better at writing as life unfolds.

Some updates: currently in my last rotation of third year- Medicine. Loving it so far, but am constantly feeling overwhelmed- there’s just so much to learn in too short a time. So not ready for exams in June. On most days it feels like life is flying past me at the speed of a bullet train and I am a tortoise crawling trying to catch up. Try as I might to crawl at my best speed, I am still light-years away from where I should be. Ugh. Okay stopping here. Tortoise needs to get back to crawling. Toodles!

March Madness

So many things happened in March… The dearth of posts is partly due to the lack of time to do everything else I need to be doing, and so every time I have the urge to blog, the urge gets suppressed because I feel I need to finish up the important work first before I doodle here (what’s new eh -.-). Alas, things never get done (the to-do’s is just a never-ending list dammit) and so there’s just no post for the entire one and thirty days. But this is of course not the only reason I haven’t been writing (‘no time’ is never the only reason). Writing forces you to think about how you feel, which means having you face your demons (sometimes) or admit to things you don’t want to and make you come to terms with all sorts of things, most of all- with yourself. So not-writing means it’s a (temporary) way to run away from your own thoughts (if it’s even possible), at least superficially. Hey… if it’s not written, it’s not official, ergo it did not happen. No of course not. I was just kidding myself. But it worked. Sorta. For a month. And then I realize I just can’t go on like this. I need an outlet to let steam off, else I’ll go crazy (which I probably already am but still in denial). Which is why I’m talking/writing to self now. In any case, it’s late, I’m signing off. Till the next post, hopefully not a month from now.

Note: No of course not, I don’t really “don’t like Mondays”. But I like this song so much- it’s so catchy! For those who do not like Mondays, perhaps this will cheer you up a little! 🙂


Seems like ages ago since the end of Chinese New Year.

My professor asked, “So what do Chinese people call Chinese New Year? Just ‘New Year’? Or do they say ‘Chinese New Year’ as well?” I thought that was a peculiar observation. I’ve never thought about that until he mentioned it. Funny how a perspective from a different cultural background makes you notice little things that you don’t usually pay any attention to.

Some pics of my CNY- the first that I spent away from my family and all the relatives in Penang, and the first I spent in KL. So boring. Should’ve gone back with them instead. Anyway. Pics as below-

I love how everyone stood around and watched the lion dance together, while I sat higher watching them watch the lion dance. Teehee.  

I got a mandarin orange from the lion! Yay me. 

Uncle using iPad to record lion dance.

CPP reunion. Well, a mini one. 

 Reminiscing good ol’ days.

 Praying to the Jade Emperor for good health, good luck and a peaceful and awesome year ahead.
Fire, and fireworks. 


On days like these I’m just so lazy to think of anything better to write. Or more like, I’m just so lazy to think. 😛    You can’t blame me though, I just went through my first night in the labor ward, and all I can say is, I don’t think I’ll be in ObGyn. Not my cup of tea, thank you. But more on that later. Adios!

Watch: Teddy’s Operation

In light of surgery clerkship, here’s a video to share. Depending on what kind of person you are, you’ll either find it disturbing, or funny, or *insert your own adjective here*. Enjoy! 🙂

Two-Bit Thoughts and A Video to Share

Tonight my people congregated at the stadium to make their voices heard. All we want, is a cleaner fairer election. All we want, is for them to not treat us like damn fools, not use that racist slur to divide the people. A little respect from them would be nice. Tonight my heart swells with pride, because their dirty tricks didn’t work on many of us, and I still see hope for my country, despite everything. Democracy doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a long and hard fight, but at least we’re not alone. 
Photos taken by my friend who was there tonight.

We used to joke that whenever/wherever there’s free stuff, you can expect high turnout because we Malaysians love free stuff (who doesn’t?!). But tonight there was no goodie bag, no free food nothing free whatsoever, only the People Power. Tonight we were one. 
On a completely different/random note, I stumbled upon this video that’s just pure awesomeness- Lip Sync-Off between Jimmy Fallon and John Krasinski. Take a few minutes off and watch this. It’ll put a smile on your face. 🙂  

No Man is an Island, But Me

No Man is an Island

No man is an island entire of itself; every man 
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe 
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as 
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine 
own were; any man’s death diminishes me, 
because I am involved in mankind. 
And therefore never send to know for whom 
 the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. 

Devotions upon Emergent Occasions 
John Donne 
somehow right now
to a part of any main, i do not feel i belong 
perchance mr. donne is wrong
no man is an island, but me
exams do crazy things to thee
guess what, it’s time for maggi mee
#bored  #tryingtobefunny  #fiveminutesbreakawayfrombooks  #ineedmorecoffee

53 Days to D-Day

So. I must’ve mentioned it a zillion times about this exam that I’m taking. It’s always seemed so far away in the future and I just talk about it but don’t do much to alleviate the anxiety; but now it’s really just right around the corner. Nowwww the panic has reallyyyyy set in. And I mean REALLYYYY. Sh’damn.

Ordinarily I’d write more on this, but not today. Enough of talking/writing about feelings about it, (I swear, sometimes I feel I need a break from myself lol), so I channeled my energy instead to create this mix. A playlist to accompany myself while I study. Sharing it here, so if you’re studying too you can have a listen. Or even if you’re not studying, these are great selections. (Or so I say. :P)  Enjoy!

Day 9 of Rheum GTS

Today is March 14. In other words, it’s Pi Day. Happy Pi(e) Day everyone! Go get a pie and celebrate! 😉

Midweek. Everything is as usual, nothing much is out of the ordinary. Came across some beautiful words and thought I’d share (quoting it loosely, with some minor changes):

Be trustworthy, and trust others. Sometimes you will get hurt. That happens when you trust people. Still, you must trust. Not saying you shouldn’t try to verify. But don’t be so cynical that your first instinct is to question or to deny. Please realize that your patients are hurting and they need to trust in you. Only you can create that openness for that to happen, and to let them know you won’t judge them. Never lose faith in people and in a power greater than your own. These things are crucial to being a good person, and you can’t be a good doctor if you are not first a good person. 

Those are words from a mother to a son who is pursuing the career of a physician. Sharing it here as a reminder to self.

On a totally unrelated note, here are some not-so-recent (but are some of my favorite) pics to share-

one of my fav people in the world, doing some deep thinking- 
hmmm what flavor of ice-cream should i have? 😛 jk.
checking out the making of cotton candy.

visiting one of our classmates’ newborn.

i love the distinct smell that every newborn has.
and this little one is just so adorable i just wanna hug tight and not let go.

 newborn the center of attention.
Big cat and little cat doing some intense watching

everyone had their turn to hold the baby.
baby must be thinking, omggggg when is this gonna end lol.  
in the arms of a future pediatrician, maybe?! 
I miss the little bundle of joy already. Need to pay another visit soon. :))) 

To Swab or Not to Swab: Ethics of DNA Sampling

Read this news article a couple of weeks ago about whether it’s constitutional to sample for DNA on those who are arrested without a warrant. Sounds to me like one of those ethical controversy on the usage of technology vs. the notion of privacy.

The summary of the story is this: This guy was arrested for assault charges and his DNA was taken as per state law. The DNA sample was then submitted to federal DNA database to see if there were any matches. Turns out his DNA matched that of a rapist who committed the rape 6 years ago. He was then tried for the rape and sentenced to life in prison.

So. Here’s the question- do you think people should have their DNA sampled during a warrantless arrest just to see if it matches anything in the crime database, or do you think that is violating their privacy? Put it another way, do you think that when someone is arrested for crime A, he/she should only be investigated for that crime only and nothing else, or do you think it’s fair that he/she also be checked against national crime database to see if he/she committed other crimes?

I think it depends where you stand at any given time. Those who are arrested (or who have a high tendency to be arrested) will obviously want the opposite of those who want to be protected by the law and order. That’s obvious enough. But here’s the tricky part: who is to say that you or I will not be arrested one fine day? When that happens, will we still be so willing to provide our DNA in the name of security? You and I know that our DNA is like the ultimate pool of information about us; it can be dangerous if it’s being misused. So then the question becomes privacy vs. security- where is the balance?

There’s a mini-series produced by PBS, a 5-episode series called The Last Enemy (it’s all on YouTube), that revolves precisely on this issue. Very relevant to the era we live in today, maybe even plausible in the near future. Watch it if you have the time. And tell me what you think! 🙂

Psst… Happy Snake Year!

Greetings from Penang! As always, we had our reunion steamboat dinner with a bunch of relatives who come back from all over. This year fewer people came back, so it’s a little quieter, but all good nonetheless. I love being surrounded by all these familiar faces whom I get to see at least once a year. This year there are 4 additions to the big family, ranging from 3-week old to almost a year old. Babies are so cute… until they start crying. 😛

Did not go watch PSY perform, but I heard the response wasn’t great, at least for the party who invited him. Still stand by the fact that the money would’ve been better spent elsewhere. Anyhow. Pics below. They say this year will be a great year for those born in year of Rat- 正所谓 “蛇鼠一窝”! :))  Let’s hope it’s true!

Steamboat dinner, plus all the must-have dishes- 
bang guang char, acar, lobak, stir-fry veggies, du-doh t’ng. 😀
3 of us with mom, zzzzttt year of the snakeeeee lol. 
 Party like a rock star! 
We dared Dad to keep this hairstyle like that for the whole day, but he chickened out. lol.  
Halfway through grandaunt’s birthday dinner party on CNY day 2, God of Fortune came to give luck. This is only part of the clan. Dad’s nowhere to be seen, he’s probably busy karaoke-ing! 😛 
LOL. There he is! :)))