• miscellaneous

    Mid-Year Update

    Hello hello! Been a long time since I last updated my blog. Half a year passed by, and I barely wrote anything. It’s been an emotionally turbulent ride so far, and I’ve been trying to cope with it. Difficulty in access to internet at where I live now is definitely a factor (to my prolonged absence in the blogosphere), but even when I was at home, I find myself spending only very limited time online. The instability, the disorder in my life made me shrink from the world- both physical and virtual ones. But it’s getting better. I’m getting better.…

  • miscellaneous - photologs


    omg i completely abandoned the blog for more than a month now. this is terrible. unbelievable! if you’re wondering, i’ve been too busy at work, and catching up with friends when i’m not. here are a few pics as proofs. puerto rico pics will be up when i get my other more important stuff done! priorities!! 😛 workplace fun 🙂 korean bbq with friends. but i think i loved the potato pancakes and all the side dishes more! 😛 a day at Farmer’s Market in LA and The Grove. i wanna own a 3-storey bookstore like this when i grow…

  • miscellaneous - musings


    When we look at someone (an angel) from a position of unrequited love and imagine the pleasures that being in heaven with them might bring us, we are prone to overlook a significant danger: how soon their attractions might pale if they began to love us back. We fall in love because we long to escape from ourselves with someone as ideal as we are corrupt. But what if such a being were one day to turn around and love us back? We can only be shocked. How could they be as divine as we had hoped when they have…

  • miscellaneous

    Back to the Grind

    Grind, oh grind! I’m back! Puerto Rico was a lot of fun, albeit the less-than-ideal weather that was warm and humid, and rainy. But despite all that, I’m so glad I got to hang out with my girls and reminisce on the old times we had back in college. 🙂 More on the trip this weekend. Some sporadic updates:Late last night I had a conversation with someone who talked about her retirement plans, what she wanted to do to keep her entertained etc. Listening to her talk requires a lot of patience – she never fails to talk down everyone…

  • miscellaneous - photologs

    Locked In

    The weather is so nice outside I just want to go out to the beach and laze around!!! But. There’s always a but isn’t it. Ugh. The next best thing would be to look at this picture and imagine I’m there. Maybe if I think long and hard enough I’d be teletransported there. With my books and reading materials, of course. Hah. 😛 Photo from: Stuck in Customs