• medicine - movies

    Movie Reflection: Something The Lord Made

    Synopsis The movie is about a white surgeon Alfred Blalock‘s partnership with his African American assistant, Vivien Thomas, in developing Blalock-Taussig shunt, a surgical procedure that saved the lives of babies who had blue baby syndrome. In essence, the shunt was made as an anastomosis of the subclavian and pulmonary artery, to provide oxygenated blood to cyanotic babies. (For those who are not medically inclined- it was a breakthrough surgical procedure done to provide oxygen to babies who couldn’t survive long after their births due to the lack of oxygenated blood, and so it was kind of a big deal.)…

  • life - movies - musings


    平时很少用中文写部落格的我 (uh 不对,是 从来 没用过中文写的我)那晚 看了《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》之后,突然好像在这儿乱涂一两句别人说, 拥有过类似暧昧的感觉的人,都会深同感触而我,却因为没有属于我自己的故事而深深的感慨想想当年 17 岁的我,好像缺少了什么是我让青春白白溜走了吗?是我在很想闯入成人的世界里的当时,失去了那一点点容许我天真无知的时空么?有人明白我在写什么吗? *** 时光是一去不回头但就算时间真的能倒流我想,凭我了解自己性格的我应该也不会改变我所做过的选择所以其实 也没什么好感慨的虽然,有过一段自己的 “沈佳宜” 或是 “柯腾” 的故事好像蛮令人羡慕的但错过了,也不差啦 毕竟,每个人都有自己精彩的故事我的故事,少了这么一个特别的人但却多了更多很特别,要好的朋友也让我有更多的精神和时间去关心其他对我非常重要的人事物做人嘛,开心就好!:)

  • movies

    Note on Green Lantern

    Most people who have seen Green Lantern (2011) thought it was just ehhhh, if not bland and boring. I guess to them there’s just one too many superhero movies. Personally, I thought it wasn’t all that bad. For one, I like that they portrayed the multiplicity of the universe, and the Earth being one of the youngest ones. The depiction that we humans are mere fledglings, still learning about the world (and the universe, on a bigger scheme of things) in which we inhabit is a humble acknowledgement, and it fits my idea of the universe. The movie’s theme revolves…