Today is March 14. In other words, it’s Pi Day. Happy Pi(e) Day everyone! Go get a pie and celebrate! 😉
Midweek. Everything is as usual, nothing much is out of the ordinary. Came across some beautiful words and thought I’d share (quoting it loosely, with some minor changes):
Be trustworthy, and trust others. Sometimes you will get hurt. That happens when you trust people. Still, you must trust. Not saying you shouldn’t try to verify. But don’t be so cynical that your first instinct is to question or to deny. Please realize that your patients are hurting and they need to trust in you. Only you can create that openness for that to happen, and to let them know you won’t judge them. Never lose faith in people and in a power greater than your own. These things are crucial to being a good person, and you can’t be a good doctor if you are not first a good person.
Those are words from a mother to a son who is pursuing the career of a physician. Sharing it here as a reminder to self.
On a totally unrelated note, here are some not-so-recent (but are some of my favorite) pics to share-