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FD Day 26: Time-Out

The homeless guy went missing for two days, and I found myself wondering where he had gone. Maybe he has another “spot”. Or maybe he went off on a ‘weekend trip’, to the beach or something, you know, for a change of environment. 😉

Everybody needs time-out every now and then. The homeless dude, myself. I’m getting a wee bit sick of the PB-pizza-cereal-noodle routine, so I treated myself out for a late night supper last night. 🙂

Ze list:

0150: Break time at work – salty fish fried rice, coworker’s “dinner” and but he was nice enough to share some with me. Hee hee.
0500: Almost end of the work week! Crazy busy, got hungry ergo had some apple fruit crisps and green tea.
0700: Got home, winding down with some rice and kimchi, coffee, and just a few small bites of PB (ehehe couldn’t help it!). 😛
1600: Slept and woke up – an apple for “breakfast”, and then some rice vermicelli with tofu (mixed with soy sauce + chili) and green tea.
2300: I guess this would be my late lunch/dinner? Dragged roommate out for some scrumptious juicy Korean BBQ and soon tofu (tofu and seafood in spicy broth). Finally!! Real human food! 😛

Oh I’ve been deprived. The late night meal made up for past week of odd combination of stuff I’ve had though! It’ll last me for a week I bet, after which I’d be on the hunt for some real food again… but by then my FD project would be over and I won’t be boring you all with my PB-pizza-noodle diet. 😛 (I must add, I’m usually healthier than that… with lots of tofu and broccoli as my dinner. But it doesn’t go far from there. heh.)
Righto. Off to read up for class later!