Labor Day Weekend in Baltimore

ask me now and i’ll tell you i seriously have no recall of how my July and August passed by. the conscious mind of course will tell you it was all work work work. FDA audit at work gave all of us loads of stress but we couldn’t really do “real” work. after the audit is when the real suffering began- we had to catch up with clients’ orders; all the testings were backlogged and everyone worked over time for as much as we’re allowed to. even now, and we’re still sort of behind. not as bad, but still. that is my official excuse of not blogging for the past few months hahaha. but no, really, it was a lot of work, and when i had free time, all i want to do is just sleep. or hang out with friends.

so on labor day weekend, first weekend of September, S invited me to her sis’ house in the east coast and i took it without much thought. i decided i deserved a break from this hectic work-life. it was well worth the trip, for i met the cutest little princess with almond eyes and am forever smitten by her. :))

look at her! so cute i wanna bite her. πŸ˜›

good genes run in the family. πŸ˜‰
K and princess.

princess’ brother, smartest boy i’ve ever met. 
first day he saw us he told us all about dinosaurs and bombarded us with big names. i felt so stupid after! πŸ˜›

mr. cho, aka our seanie boy, who’s studying in my dream school right now. πŸ™‚
oh and of course- the good food. Ethiopian.
barbeque-ing satay! πŸ™‚
ze dream school’s hospital.
where politicians congregate and decide how we should live our lives.
where the commander in chief resides. the oh-so-famous 1600 pennsylvania ave.
world war II memorial. where a bird shat on me. -____-||

didn’t do much over there, but it was fun to play with kids, and not having to worry if i’ll be late for work the next day. will need to go back to Washington DC cuz i barely got to see anything. some other time, definitely.