
Rocking the Pox

When I was 7, I was told that it’s a good thing to have chickenpox at that time because once I got it I’ll never get it again, for the rest of my life. I did a mental calculation, comparing the body surface area that I’d have to suffer the itch, pain and scars between the smaller-size me and the adult-me, and I thought this was the better deal. That was pretty much the one thing that got me through the horrendous days of chickenpox. 

Fast forward many years later. To 2016. About a week ago to be exact. I scratched on a pimple-like itch that was bothering me. I call it Pimple Zero. Everybody remembers Pimple Zero, don’t they? I know I do. Even back when I was 7, when I didn’t even know what it was, or that it would be the beginning of a very long ailment. It was just a fascinating, innocent looking pimple with fluid in it, and slightly itchy at the surrounding area, but not enough to poke through it because it would take a way the fun. Alas, much “fun” that was. 
Did you know you could get chickenpox twice in a lifetime? I didn’t exactly think it was impossible, I just didn’t think it possible to happen on me. But then again, that is human nature too, no? We never thought any bad thing would happen to us… until it does.  First thought- whattttt??? NOOOOOOO. Can’t be! You’ve got to be kidding me!! Like a typical medical student, the first instinct is to self-diagnose the rash. I ran through a mental list very carefully, and chickenpox was not really on that list (it’s in the don’t-need-to-consider pile). Couldn’t think of anything that would fit (seriously thought of everything from flea bites to bedbugs bites, scabies, allergies, even systemic cause like diabetes!). It bothered me so much (both the rash and the inability to figure out what it actually is), that I felt compelled to consult a friend, and that was when it hit me. As I was describing it to her, everything suddenly became crystal clear, that regardless of how improbable it is, it sounded just like chickenpox. Holy schmoly. F***. Crappety crab. Wow. Really? Is there a God? Is God playing games with me? 
But just as soon as the egocentric self tries to understand/question the why, being all pissed off that this is happening for no apparent reason (as if I don’t have enough on my plate now), the other calmer zen self pushes back with a positive thought- hey well be thankful it’s not shingles. That’s right- it could be worse. Just like that, I felt much better. That thought would be what I’ll hold on to till I get through this.

And so I’m sitting here drinking hot Milo (my comfort food), rocking my pox, pondering deeply on this. I have tons of questions. Why is this happening- scientifically? What triggered the reinfection? I’ve had it before, shouldn’t I get immunity? Not to mention I actually got the vaccination two years back as well. Perhaps that’s why it’s a much milder case, but does that also mean it will stretch out longer? I feel well though, other than the rash and itch. I don’t think my immune system is compromised in any way, I don’t have more stress than the usual, I don’t have any ill contact. So how did it happen? Can I exercise/run? Will the increased blood circulation and vasodilation cause the virus to go to more places and I’ll have a more severe flare? What can I do to speed up the healing process? What can I do to ensure this never happens again? I’ll have to find out. Guess this will keep me busy for some time.

xoxo. pox out.