2023 Year End Reflections

Sometimes life has a way of surprising you, throwing you rotten lemons at the speed of light, that you don’t even realize you got hit. This one hit me hard. For a while, the pain was so intense I almost lost sight of the big picture. I thought about whether to write about it here, but decided now is not the time to share. Perhaps one day, when the pain and trauma has subsided enough for me to talk and joke about it, I will write more.

What is the big picture, though? We, mere humans, Homo sapiens, this insignificant species in the ever-expanding universe (or multiverse)–what are we doing? We wake up, go to work, consume, excrete, sleep, repeat. Some days I do wonder if any of what we do matters at all. But such thoughts are too depressing, so I try not to go there. Yet these days, I find myself thinking a lot about existential questions as such: Is this all there is? What is there to look forward to?

Perhaps because I’m reaching midlife, I find myself pondering all these midlife questions. Am I in what they call “a midlife crisis”? A crisis doesn’t have to be an imminent situation; it could mean “a turning point”. I think… this is where I’m at- at life’s intersection, trying to decide how to move forward, when ahead of me seems to be a thick fog that refuses to lift.

This year started off great. Was able to go home for a few weeks, spend some quality family time together, visited relatives, some of whom I haven’t seen in years. I celebrated CNY back home- the first since 2015. The following months went by so quickly: I got to see my bestie at a conference, visited a dear friend in NC, have a friend visit me in Maine. I then visited another BFF for a short weekend trip for her child’s birthday, had a reunion with a childhood BFF and her family, spent thanksgiving with my adopted family, sat for and passed the obesity medicine’s board exam. All in all a great year- I can’t complain. All good, except for the above said ‘incident’.

As I work to maneuver life and get past this fog, I hang on to the few things I know. I know I’m quite lucky; and I’m immensely thankful for all that I have- fairly good health, family and friends who will be there for me, the ability to think, work, and help people through my job. The acute awareness that none of this is guaranteed, and that any of it can dissipate at any moment, is not lost on me. And so on this Christmas, I pray for peace, love, and that the ongoing wars will end. I pray for more kindness, decency, honesty, generosity, and tolerance amongst each other.

Here’s hoping that 2024 will be a good year for all. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

I’m Back!

It’s been more than year since I last wrote anything here. If this was a room, it’d be full of dust and cobweb right now. An abandoned space. Makes me a little sad when I think about all the lost time that I could’ve shared something with you. Whoever ‘you’ are.

How did everyone else live their last year and a half? I’ve been thinking a lot, doing a lot of growing. My cactus has grown big enough to be cut off into a few segments and transplanted into other pots. For a while they looked like they weren’t going to survive the winter. I cried a little looking at them; thought I had to dispose them. In the end though I decided I’d just leave them in and keep watering them, talking to them. Eventually winter became spring, and then summer came, and they started growing. I think I have grown along with them too.

Some days there’s a voice in me that wants to just whine and rant, about how hard life is. But I won’t do that. Only the living gets to whine. And being alive is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. No matter how hard life is, it still can be beautiful, and if we choose to, we will be able to find glimmers of joy, hope, peace. I will focus on those glimmers, whenever I find them.

With that, shall I share some stories with you all starting next post? All the stories I’ve collected over the last 2+ years need a place to call home. Otherwise, carrying them with me everywhere will weigh be down too much.

Been a minute…

You don’t realize how time swooshed by until you look back, weeks or months later. In this case, about a year and a few months later. Where did time go? As we’ve all learned during this pandemic, time felt as stagnant as the murky water in the back alley, but also as if we time-traveled into the future with only a few wrinkles, lots of gray hair, and a muffin top to remind us of the lost time.

Last year I completed chief residency, moved from Maryland to Maine, survived my first winter in the cold frigid Maine, and learned more about primary care than I had in the years during residency. I’ve had interesting stories and encounters I wanted to share, came here, wrote them out, only to hit Backspace until nothing is left. I am still held back by fear- about the backlash of sharing stories, about how others would see me, about being different. I am still learning to be comfortable in my own skin.

A little over two years ago, someone I considered a close friend decided to stop talking to me just like that, and I never figured out why. Took me a long time to get over it, but I’m glad to say I managed to let go. Well… somewhat. I just need to remind myself that life is too short to be hung up on someone who clearly didn’t care about me as I did her.

It’s already May of 2022. Today is as good as any other day to reflect and ask ourselves, have I been doing what I said I’d do at the start of the year? Have I lived my life the way I imagined it to be? If not, what’s stopping me? I’m not sure about you all, but some days I still feel lost.

That’s all for now… everything is, a work in progress.

Internal Monologue

This space that has once given me solace, suddenly feels so foreign. It’s been too long since I wrote here. As the year comes to an end, I thought I’d drop by. (Even my choice of words reflect that- I’m ‘dropping by’ to this virtual space that once felt like home to me. Leave a place long enough, and it stops feeling like home… at least initially.) Anyway, I found a number of drafts that were never seen to completion. They were mostly stories about work, emotions that ICU patients and incidences stirred up. Stories of dissatisfaction and disappointment. Angst, anger too. Looking back, I think I didn’t post them for fear of repercussion. A part of me didn’t want to hold back anything if I were to write about them; yet another part of me, the part that ultimately won, was scared. Scared that if those people read it, they might know it’s about them, and would hate on me or react in ways I’m not ready for. Perhaps one day, I’d go back and clean up those drafts, and share them at some point. Today I just wanted to revisit and just… be here.

This year felt long and short at the same time. Anything pre-Covid felt so distant, like it’s been eons since that ‘normalcy’. We graduated from residency, and some of my closest friends left to start their new jobs and new lives elsewhere. Some people whom I thought were friends turned out to not be so. That was something I couldn’t get over. How many minutes and days have I spent (wasted) dwelling on the why…?! I wish I knew. Alas, I’d never find out. It took a long time to get out of the mind trap, and I think I’m finally over it (maybe?!). Sometimes you just have to let go. And so this year, amongst all the lessons I’ve learned, the biggest one is to let go. This theme keeps reoccurring, and I think to some extent, I’ll always find it hard to let go, and will never get used to, but it is something we all have to do. In life, if you care enough, you’d feel hurt. Not caring isn’t the answer; learning how to deal with it, is.

That’s all for now. I came here wanting to talk/write about something else. Ended up being sentimental/nonsensical. Blergh. Till the next time!

Another Milestone

It’s true what they say- the days are long but the years are short. I vaguely remember posting about the start of residency, promising myself I will write more (but I never did), and now, three years later, I’m done with residency! Where did time go?!

It’s a strange year to be in medical training, and to graduate in. The pandemic, and more recently a string of unfortunate events that led to the resurgence of BLM movement, have impacted every aspect of our lives. Our graduation ceremony was held via Zoom, which was weird in some ways, but fun in others. Definitely different, and it came with some perks. Many of our friends and family were able to witness this special day with us, which in normal circumstances they couldn’t have, so it was somewhat a blessing in disguise. We had more attendance/participants (88 at its peak, many of whom had 2 people viewing from a single device) than we would have if it were a live event. I loved seeing some of my classmates all dressed up in front of the camera, and their families doing the same as well. Some of our attendings joined us as well. Most people had their mic off, so you’d see silent applause after all the speeches and awards. We had our mic turned on for parts of it, so the 3 of us did the sound effect of applause. At times it was a little distracting seeing people walking around, eating while watching, or even driving, but I loved it all!

Dr. Cmar, one of my favorite human beings, our ex-PD (program director), someone I’m proud to call a mentor-friend, gave our commencement speech, all dressed up at the top half – in tie, white coat – but with flip-flops and shorts at the bottom half. Apparently this is the new in-thing to do in the Covid era! šŸ˜€ In any case, his speech was on-point, addressing the current events, and reminding us that it is vital we continue to address the health disparities and be part of the change that is much needed. He also reminded us that whatever we do as a physician, to not only focus on our patients, but also take care of ourselves as well. His entire speech was entertaining, peppered with humor and sarcasm, but not at the expense of substance. I’m so glad we recorded it, because I know I’d want to rewatch it every so often in the future, for all the wisdom he imparted.

The speeches from the graduating classes (PGY-3 and the prelim) were just as great. Amit has his own style of humor, and as always, so humble and nice, thanked everyone for being part of his work family in the past 3 years. Mac did the same, being his humble and funny self, shared what he’s learned over the past year of internship. I couldn’t agree more with their sentiments of gratitude and humility for being here, surrounded by mostly good people who are caring, generous, and willing to step up and help others in times of need.

Personally, I have so many people to thank- not just those I met during residency, but also all the people who made this possible for me. My mentors from med school and research days, my parents, my adopted parents, friends, relatives- people who believed in me even when I doubted myself most. I couldn’t have done it without them, and I will always remember their kindness and support. Hopefully I can do the same for future aspiring med students/doctors as well.

To all my classmates who graduated, thank you for this amazing experience and company! Wishing everyone best of luck in your future endeavors!

Here’s a screenshot of the graduation. I was too busy trying to ensure it runs smoothly, so this was the only screenshot we got. Better than nothing!

Mid-Point Reflection of the Year

2020 has been a roller-coaster so far. I remember back in January, when a group of us were sitting around enjoying our scrumptious meal, we briefly discussed the Covid situation in Wuhan. How terrible it must have been to be on a lockdown and not get to celebrate Chinese New Year with family and friends. We lamented and pitied, as if it were a tragedy happening to other people; as if we would never have to worry about the same affliction affecting us. How wrong were we! Who would have thought? In hindsight, we should’ve known better, seeing that we were all doctors on the table.

It’s almost embarrassing looking back and seeing all the memes that were circulating around, poking fun at how people were excessively cautious and concerned about Covid. I too, was guilty for partaking in the meme jokes at that time. But then things took a drastic turn, and before we knew it we were were all caught off guard. The tardiness in response has cost this country tremendously. One had to ask, how did we get here? How are we so not ready for this? But most of all, what will it take for us to recover?

Just when I thought things couldn’t have been worse, news about George Floyd being murdered by a police surfaced, and the police brutality towards protesters were even more atrocious. How could they?! I couldn’t understand how any human being had the capacity to hurt another being just like that, but I guess that’s the definition of brutality. I want to know, how are they able to sleep at night for doing such heinous acts? How do they tell their kids that “daddy went to work today and my job was to hurt other people without any provocation”, even though their profession is supposed to do the opposite? How do they reconcile with that discordance? Do they even care? Do they really think what they’re doing is right? Do they feel that their acts are justified because they’re merely following orders (if that at all)? I want to know if there’s another side of things from their perspective. Alas, my imagination fails me, no matter how hard I try- I can’t imagine how such acts could warrant a justification. It makes me really sad that even though we, as a human race, have made huge strides in many aspects, fundamental things like ensuring certain people’s human rights and basic access to healthcare for that matter, are still stuck in the past, making no progress at all.

It is the year Twenty Twenty. Pandemic has claimed so many lives, and in some ways there is a component of helplessness because we couldn’t tell who it will infect, and who will perish from it. There is a random factor to it. On the contrary, the inequalities that the African American people are facing is something we can do something about. There’s no randomness it it. We have a broken justice system, and inequality is real. We can use our voice, our actions to push for a change. This is unacceptable. Black lives matter too.

Humans are forgetful beings. If there’s anything we learn from history, it’s that sometimes we don’t learn from it at all. We need to remind ourselves that change doesn’t happen overnight, and that every human lives matter, regardless of race. We need to remind ourselves tragedies like that happen every day, lest we get comfortable and move on, forgetting about that day’s events, just like how so many lives were taken and forgotten. When the protesters get tired and the news dies down in a few weeks, we still have work to do. We have to continue to fight for justice. There are a lot we can do to change things; keeping silent is not one of them.

As I sit here in my living room, I can hear protests on the streets. While I chose not to go out and join the protest, I will do my part to stand with them. I will read more and educate myself, I will donate to some of the funds to help them, and I will continue to engage in conversations surrounding these discussions.

Recap, Reflection

Through the sliding door of my balcony, I could vaguely make up the few buildings and the street lights lighting up the streets. A thick dense layer of fog blanket the surrounding, it reminds me of the English weather. It is the end of another year, and whilst many cringe on the year-end reflection and new year resolution bull****, I welcome them. I tell myself this is so that I have a better sense of what went well and what went wrong, how I can do better next year, what mistakes to avoid. You see, if I don’t write them down, I’ll never make myself think about them, or remember them if I did. The mind has a way to cut corners and avoid painful thoughts. Admitting to mistakes is one of such painful thought. But- it must be done, and thus here I am, sitting in the living room, about to plunge myself into the deep pool of memories, with the electronic dance mix on Spotify and the low humming of the heater as background noise.

The first half of the year went by so quickly, I hardly remembered what happened. All I remembered was brother’s wedding around this time last year, and then I was in the ICU in March when I found out about grandma’s sudden passing towards the end of rotation. And so I made my way back home for the second time in 3 months. That pain of losing someone near and dear to heart is unspeakable. How do you utter in words what it feels like to have lost a piece of you; how do you deal with such loss internally and externally? How does one carry oneself amongst one’s colleagues, friends, and family? Do I show that I’m sad, baring my emotions with no holds barred; or do I keep a tough front so as to not make others feel uncomfortable; or do I balance a bit of both? Was it partially my fault for not being close by to take care of grandma when she needed me the most? I couldn’t shake the thought of me being here taking care of other people’s loved ones, and yet was completely helpless when it comes to my own. I felt guilty, and ashamed. I’d like very much to mourn silently, but the unspoken sadness weighed me down so much that everything was beginning to feel like a drag. If it weren’t for the few close friends whom I was able to talk to, it’d have taken me a longer time to be ‘normal’ again.

Everything else was a blur after I got back. I will admit- there were chunks of time that were blank to me. I don’t remember much, probably because they were spent in front of the flat screen. There were days or nights that I find myself crippled in bed, unable to drag self out to do anything at all. I wanted time to stop. Just pause for a few while I gather myself together. I don’t recall how I did it. It was probably out of necessity. I couldn’t afford to miss work, and so I did the bare minimum to get by. I had one too many migraines, I have other health issues I need to tend to but keep putting them off. I just wasn’t doing what I needed to be doing.

Started off third year of residency with a bang–in the ICU! I loved my time in the Unit. Never a dull moment. Whereas I used to feel heavy-hearted for losing patients, it stopped bothering me anymore. Not like it used to anyway. It does make me a little wistful, knowing I’ve been a little hardened by all of it. I had some reflections on my encounters in the Unit in my last 2 years, some of them still saved as drafts here. Perhaps some day I’ll share. For now though, I’m just glad I’m not ‘burned out’.

I think, this year I had too much ice cream and chips (too much junk food in general), spent too much time on media in all forms, didn’t read enough fiction to nurture my soul, didn’t run enough, didn’t take enough care of myself, didn’t call home often enough. 2 people I knew passed away this year. Mortality has never felt more real. I am reminded of the fact that tomorrow is not a guarantee. Why then am I behaving as if I have all the time in the world?! Having said that, I don’t mean to sound like I’m dissatisfied with how this year turned out. I do have plenty to be thankful for, and I will always carry that gratitude with me everywhere I go. It’s a blessing to have friends whom I trust and rely on, to have people who invite me into their homes on holidays, and most of all, to have the privilege to take care of my patients. It’s been a good year, just a little bittersweet.

I won’t make a list of resolutions, but I will say this- next year I will put in more effort in family, friends (near or afar), and my own health. Next year it’s about trimming the frills, keeping it simple, and working on only the most important things to me.

Happy new year everyone! May this coming year and decade be everyone’s best yet!

Freddy who loves to cuddle, and me, who is only too happy to oblige. šŸ™‚

A Jar Full of Thoughts

  1. Hello. I’m back. Long hiatus. A friend said I shouldn’t ever promise to write sooner, because I never do, and it would just seem like yet another broken promise. Which is bad form. So, no more. I shall write whenever I fancy.
  2. I had a mini panic attack the other day knowing that I’m running out of Marmite soon. Thankfully that problem was solved by my bestie who visited the UK, procured them, and mailed two jars to me. Trust your bestie to know what you want and need most. For those who don’t know what Marmite is, it’s a kind of spread made from yeast extract, and you could do anything with it- either spread it on bread, make soup with it, or if you’re as crazy as I am, eat it directly out of the jar. Bit of umami mixed with a hint of bitterness, it soothes my soul every time I have it. It’s true when they say food has a way of finding its way into your heart. Every time I have a taste of Marmite, home feels like it’s just around the corner… and some days that’s what you need to keep you going.
  3. I sat around pondering why people choose their profession, or if they just let life choose for them. How do some people just “know” what they wanted to do at a young age, or at all? I mean, how does anyone ever know? Is there a tiny bird that whispers into their ears when they’re asleep? Is there an angel that nudges them to their ‘right’ career path? Or do they just stumble into it? It bothers me that I never had that little bird to help me get clarity. /sigh. But I am glad I stopped myself from spending too much time pondering away and missed out on the opportunity to live it. Best get on with it and see what happens, before life slips away and all that’s left is but a bag of bones and a few teeth.
  4. Enough random bits for the day. Saving others for another rainy day.

Kopi-C Peng With Love

I lied. I said I’ll write more, but so many things happened since my last post, and I couldn’t muster enough energy to put my thoughts and emotions into words. Or maybe I just didn’t want to. Words elude me when sadness overwhelms, and all I want to do is just to run and hide.

I dreamed of a 20-foot Ā Sandman who was chasing me everywhere. No matter how far I run, he’d still get to me. Friends and family tried to protect me by allowing me to build secret passageways underneath their living quarters, and eventually I managed to create a maze of an underground passage that led me to somewhere ‘safe’ where I didn’t think he’d thought to look for me. That morning when he came for me, I ran and ran until I got there, and there it was– a small poorly vented underground room that was once a prisoner’s cell long ago and had now been abandoned. The self in my dream was quite smug for finally outrunning Sandman, but that smugness lasted about 2 seconds- I remembered, then and there, that while I was tucked away safely in this cell, Sandman would still be looking, and I knew how relentless he could be. What would happen (or rather, had happened)Ā to those people who partook in hiding me?! Sandman didn’t look like a compassionate thing that would allow any accomplice to get away. I knew then, that I was responsible for that, and there was nothing I could do about it. It’s too late; I had blood on my hands. There was no such thing as safety; sooner or later Sandman would get me. I couldn’t stop crying, and all I want to do was to undo everything. But there was no chance for that- I woke up, covered in tears and snot.

Such a morbid dream; so much to unpack from that stream of subconsciousness. Grandma passed away four months and a week ago, and I’m still coming to terms with it. Early on, my mind kept replaying all the memories I had with her, and I couldn’t help but think that I’d never have the chance to create more memories with her anymore. I selfishly wanted more time with her. I was going to go home for Chinese New Year next year! Why now? Why so soon?! Then it hit me- how hypocritical I was, for saying I wanted more time with her. How was I going to do that when I’m all the way here in another country thousands of miles away?! Going home once every few years does not cut it. Just like that, my anger on whoever it was from the Otherworld who took her away from me, and my regret, turned into guilt. And guilt–is the worst feeling of all. The early days just after her passing were filled with spurts of lacrimation fest, of which faucet I had almost no control over (at least I could stop self from doing that when around people).

It got better over time. Work kept me busy, so I didn’t have to think about it too much, or at all. The daily hum-drum became a soothing balm, and if work wasn’t enough to tire me out, there’s always the endless TV shows that I could turn to to numb me up. Ā I was doing quite a good job at that until about a month ago. It was just another day not unlike any other, except I incidentally found out about a dear friend’s tragic and unexpected demise.Ā To say I was in shock was an understatement. How could a seemingly healthy person just suddenly be dead? I just saw him a little over a year ago and had a great catch-up session after 8 years of not seeing each other. I have questions, but none of which would ever be answered. They probably didn’t matter anyway.

Death has a way of reaching inside and squeezing the life out of you, figuratively (and perhaps also literally). I was deeply shaken, and for the first time in months, I saw how I was not-living. I thought I was doing fine after Grandma passed away, but in truth I sealed off a part of me, and was going through the motions of living without really doing so. Grandma wouldn’t have wanted me to live like this, nor my friend. This was a wake-up call; I have to do better. So here I am, writing about this, cherishing all the memories I’ve had with them, and letting all the emotions wash over me. Tonight, I’ll sip on Kopi-C Peng – Grandma’s favorite beverage – and just, feel. Sandman will always be after me (us), whether I like it or not. If it’s futile to run away, why not just live every day like it’s the last?

Hello 2019

The past year has somewhat gone by in a haze. Bits and pieces surfaced as I tried to recall how I made it through the year. Lots of stress eating, some heartaches, and definitely a lot of repressed memories. It’s not all that bad: there were lots of booze, plenty of laughter, too much ice cream and duck fat fries than I cared to remember, and tears, the latter of which I hate to admit. It’s the Asian culture that I grew up in that I can’t yet shake away, that taught me- tears are for weaklings. And a weakling I am not. Thank goodness for a few good friends whom I can always count on. But even then, people come and go, all the time. That’s just how it is. 2017 and 2018 were filled with a lot of growing pains; I learned so much about myself, some of which that surprised me and that I’m not proud of. But at least I know better now, and I’ll learn from those mistakes I’ve made. This year though, will be a better one. I’m sure of it… or at least the optimistic self believes so. The goal for this year will be mastery- through perpetual progress, and building habits. The more zen goal, as trite as it may sound, is to be present. As Ferris Bueller puts it, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” šŸ˜Ž


Baltimore, on a beautiful autumn day.

It’s been more than a year since I last posted anything, not because I didn’t want to, but I find myself losing the reason to do so. Some time ago, though, I got a random message from a stranger encouraging me to continue writing because he thought my thoughts were thoughtful and mature, and I thought that was very sweet of him to say so. Truth is, I’ve been meaning to write, and have actually gone as far as creating drafts, but never got around to finishing them up for a myriad of reasons, none of which is important- because now it’d just sound like excuses not to have done something, and excuses are for wimps. Yoda says, you do or do not, there is no try.

So many things happened in the past year. Lots of thoughts and reflections especially when I’m in the wards and in ICU, and in the shower. Some crude thoughts remained saved in the drafts, so maybe they’ll become future posts.

It’s getting colder, we had one snow day last week. Seems like this year’s winter will be a bitter cold one. Keep warm, and I shall stick around and write more frequently. Adios!


ā€œDeath is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it. 
And that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life.ā€ 
ā€• Steve Jobs

When there is life, there is death. Every new life that comes to this world is guaranteed nothing but death that will ensue, albeit it being just a far-off concept that no one ever thought of at the present moment. But of course. Why would anyone think about that when they’re too busy rejoicing in the beauty of this bundle of joy in their arms, their mini-selves. Unless you’re like me, who’s weird and morbid at times. It’s a good thing then, that I’m not in the position where I have to deal with the contradictory emotions.

In medicine, it’s hard not to think about death, when you’re dancing around it on most days, if not all the time. Fact is, mortality stares at you all the time. Healthcare folks somehow learned not to be bothered by it, and just kept an arms’ length from it, I suspect to protect themselves from being too emotional or overwhelmed, and also to be able to function and carry out their tasks. It’s a matter of habit, and one can usually go about his/her daily business, focusing on the science/medical aspects of the job, instead of the life and death that is the core of what we do every day. But– when it comes to someone we love or care about, it’d be tough, if not impossible, to ignore this aspect at all.

In all honesty, I only knew her personally for a short while, so I don’t think I have the right to be tremendously affected when I heard of the news. And yet, I felt disproportionally affected- more than I think I should, because in that short period of time I’ve grown to care for her. She was this amazing, extremely capable, independent woman, who had accomplished so much both in her professional and personal lives, always positive, generous, caring, selfless, and determined. So when she found out she had this terminal illness, her personality and character didn’t allow her any other way to deal with it other than facing it head on, with that fierce determination to beat it. Her grit, her strength, even at her weakest moment, amazed me, and touched me to my core, and I wished I could’ve done more for her. I almost believed that if anyone deserved a reprieve from a terminal illness, it would be her. It has to be her. I want it to be her. But alas, cancer is a b–ch, and there’s a reason why terminal illness is called a terminal illness. And so when I heard, though it wasn’t completely surprising, it was still a shock (that it happened sooner than I thought).

I want to be mad at God (if there is one), for taking a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, and a friend away from those of us whose lives she had touched. But my upbringing and beliefs also taught me that: 1) death is inevitable, and 2) life is unfair.  Couldn’t exactly get angry at impermanence of life now, could we. As for the second point, I don’t think anyone has come up with a solution for that yet.


I will always remember her as the beautiful person that she was, inside and out.

To those reading this, it seems cheesy or clichĆ© to say it, but really– cherish every moment of your life, and those around you, for you never know…  Tomorrow is promised to no one, today is all we have.