Mini Study Break

I lied- I said I will write more after the exam but it’s been more than a month since the last post. The truth is, every time I made my way here I find myself feeling guilty for wanting to write something when I could be doing something else that’s more urgent. Today however, I just wanna scribble some thoughts before I move on to other things.

It’s August. So much has changed since I last wrote. The biggest change, at least in my realm, is that Hopkins is no longer PUGSOM’s collaborating partner. As I write this, I’m not even sure if I should be making this known, here in my personal blog no less, but I figure it has already happened and nothing I say or not say would change anything anyway, so it should be fine. I should precede what I’m about to write with a disclaimer though- that what I write is purely my own thoughts, feelings or opinions and has nothing to do with either school.

It’s too complicated to get into why it happened, and frankly we students were in the dark for the most part and really didn’t know much of the discussion going on with the parties to know why the partnership had failed. But like all kids who suffered from parents’ divorce, we got the brunt of it all, and are truly hurting. Can’t quite describe how it feels, except to say that it’s a mixture of betrayal as well as wretchedness, with perhaps a pinch of anger. But life goes on whether we like it or not, and so that’s the way it goes. Yes, life is unfair, and we just have to learn to deal with it.

That said, even though I painted a bleak picture, it’s not as bad- at least our school will still be around,  we’re not having any financial difficulties, and the graduate medical program seems to be going strong and not about to disappear into thin air. There are things I’m thankful for, and having the local faculty staying with us and keeping the show running is one of them. Also thankful for all the visiting adjunct faculty who have taught us in the past, who are still part of our lives right now, helping out with our electives in US. And thank goodness I’m so busy and knee-deep in all the things I need to study for the exam and for electives, I don’t have time to mope around about what has happened.

Anyway- will have to stop here. More next time, whenever ‘next time’ is!