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- Hello. I’m back. Long hiatus. A friend said I shouldn’t ever promise to write sooner, because I never do, and it would just seem like yet another broken promise. Which is bad form. So, no more. I shall write whenever I fancy.
- I had a mini panic attack the other day knowing that I’m running out of Marmite soon. Thankfully that problem was solved by my bestie who visited the UK, procured them, and mailed two jars to me. Trust your bestie to know what you want and need most. For those who don’t know what Marmite is, it’s a kind of spread made from yeast extract, and you could do anything with it- either spread it on bread, make soup with it, or if you’re as crazy as I am, eat it directly out of the jar. Bit of umami mixed with a hint of bitterness, it soothes my soul every time I have it. It’s true when they say food has a way of finding its way into your heart. Every time I have a taste of Marmite, home feels like it’s just around the corner… and some days that’s what you need to keep you going.
- I sat around pondering why people choose their profession, or if they just let life choose for them. How do some people just “know” what they wanted to do at a young age, or at all? I mean, how does anyone ever know? Is there a tiny bird that whispers into their ears when they’re asleep? Is there an angel that nudges them to their ‘right’ career path? Or do they just stumble into it? It bothers me that I never had that little bird to help me get clarity. /sigh. But I am glad I stopped myself from spending too much time pondering away and missed out on the opportunity to live it. Best get on with it and see what happens, before life slips away and all that’s left is but a bag of bones and a few teeth.
- Enough random bits for the day. Saving others for another rainy day.