Last week Mediacorp aired a video they received about 3 months ago, of an elderly lady being mistreated by nurses in Nightingale Nursing Home at Braddell, SG. They stripped her naked and left her under the ceiling fan which was turned on – full-blast no less – for a good 30 minutes. Then they literally swung and threw her on the bed when transferring her from wheelchair to bed, and later on slapped her when the said lady groaned in pain.
I am pissed. I’m seething!! How could anyone treat an old fragile lady like that? How could such an outrageous act be allowed to happen? Where is the nurse manager in charge? Was she the only one being treated like that? Could there have been more cases as such? How long has it been going on? What the f*** is wrong with the nurses??? And hello it’s a private nursing home! People actually pay to have their family member taken care of, not thrown around like a ragged doll! I truly hope that nurse gets deported and her license revoked. She and everyone else who conducted such crime. And I sincerely hope the Ministry of Health really look into this matter and make sure it doesn’t happen in other nursing homes.
Looks like my job just got tougher, more challenging. The repercussion of that incident is sure to be felt by us too.
Anyway- check out the video if you like: click here.