Professor: “So. Do you know what they call those who graduated last from medical school?”Student: *shifty eyes* [silence]Professor: “They call them ‘doctor‘.” Everytime they see our stressed-out faces studying for an exam, our professors would remind us of that simple yet profound fact, and it would make me feel a tinge bit better whenever I hear that. It doesn’t necessarily change anything or make us less nervous about exams, but it cracks us up a little, or at least it does me. It’s been six months since I started school, and I have to say, it’s really different from the…
There just isn’t enough hours to use in a day! With all the things I have to juggle with, I find myself not having enough me-time to think and reflect. Like right now, even as I’m writing, there’s the nagging feeling asking me to abort this now and return to what I really should be doing. And so before I return to all the IgE-mediated hypersensitivity and food allergy, I just wanted to share this thing I stumbled upon last week. It’s called ‘The Holstee Manifesto’, and I think you can buy it as a wall poster. Alright, stopping here.…
平时很少用中文写部落格的我 (uh 不对,是 从来 没用过中文写的我)那晚 看了《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》之后,突然好像在这儿乱涂一两句别人说, 拥有过类似暧昧的感觉的人,都会深同感触而我,却因为没有属于我自己的故事而深深的感慨想想当年 17 岁的我,好像缺少了什么是我让青春白白溜走了吗?是我在很想闯入成人的世界里的当时,失去了那一点点容许我天真无知的时空么?有人明白我在写什么吗? *** 时光是一去不回头但就算时间真的能倒流我想,凭我了解自己性格的我应该也不会改变我所做过的选择所以其实 也没什么好感慨的虽然,有过一段自己的 “沈佳宜” 或是 “柯腾” 的故事好像蛮令人羡慕的但错过了,也不差啦 毕竟,每个人都有自己精彩的故事我的故事,少了这么一个特别的人但却多了更多很特别,要好的朋友也让我有更多的精神和时间去关心其他对我非常重要的人事物做人嘛,开心就好!:)
So, very early on in our medical training, we’re taught communication and general history taking skills as well as physical examination skills with the help of simulated patients. Now after about 3 months of that, it’s time to put them in actual use. Well, kind of. We’ll be venturing out to the “real world” as we’re posted to our designated clinics once a week for a 3-hour session, observing and learning from our preceptors. Hopefully it won’t be all observing but that we’ll also get to do stuff too. I personally want to work on my history-taking and interviewing skills,…
Have I written on this before? I don’t remember. It sure felt as though I have. Because I’m darn sure this wasn’t the first time I’ve thought about it, and so perhaps I might’ve written it down- somewhere. No matter. Right now I just needed to write this down. Why do some people talk as if the whole world owes them something, and that they just have to put people down as they try to make their point? Does it hurt them to say it in a way that won’t hurt anyone and still get their message across just the same?…
Throughout our lives, people come and go all the time. Some became friends and stayed on as significant people in our lives; those are the ones who will always stay with us till the end of time. Some were just acquaintances we barely knew or remembered before we all moved on; either we didn’t care enough to know more about them and vice versa, or the time of contact was so brief there wasn’t enough opportunity to get to know each other more. Yet others were people we cared very much and would like to keep in touch but alas…
It was on the front page of newspaper (Sin Chew) today, about a Malaysian girl from Sabah who became famous because of her video of her art work posted on YouTube. Out of curiosity I checked out the video to see what the big hoo-hah was all about. As it turns out, I wasn’t disappointed- it was great. A red portrait painting of Yao Ming, using a basketball. Check it out! I guess I can understand why it’s on the front page of the newspaper. Malaysia and her people, are proud of the girl and her talent, and when the…
Have you ever encountered a situation whereby you wish to keep certain things to yourself because, technically speaking, you can and you have the right to: it’s your personal life and your ultimate decision to let it be known, or not. Yet, the reality that we live in, governed by certain societal norms, has it that we should share with others our personal stories or incidents or what-have-you’s – because we live in a society, and we’re all connected to each other, no (wo)man is an island, or whatever reasons to justify such sharing. And perhaps there is a physiologic explanation to it…
Some time ago I saw this interview about science, evolution and universe etc. with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, by Stephen Colbert. Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an American astrophysicist, and the director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Peace; while Stephen Colbert as we all know, is a political satirist and, among other roles, the host of The Colbert Report. When I first watched it, I remember having many thoughts running through my mind, but unfortunately I didn’t write them down, so they’re long gone by now. But! I really think people should watch it.…
In the past I have the habit of writing down all my resolutions and aim to get them done. My naive self never changed in all those years, each time thinking that “perhaps this year I’ll actually get all my resolutions resolved”. But obviously, there was never once where I got all of them done. At best I’ll get half of them checked, but most of the time it’s just one or two checked out of the ten or so items. So! This year I won’t bother. Yup. That’s it. End of story. ….. ….. Or maybe I’ll just scribble…
2011 was scattered with very few posts, but hopefully this year there will be more. Overall, it’s been a year full of family reunions, schoolmates’ gatherings, and weddings. Early in the year when I just got back for good, I couldn’t help but wonder if coming back is the “right” decision. But as time goes by I find myself forgetting that question completely- being back and being closer to family (including extended family) and friends have been great for me. Yes the traffic sucks; some drivers really piss me off (especially when they don’t use the freakin’ signal lights!); and…