• miscellaneous - people


    [photo from istock.com] Sometimes, no matter how you avoid it, it will still happen. ‘It’ can be anything. Human connections, for example. You don’t get to choose who you meet, who your parents are, who your siblings are. Those are already pre-arranged for you, whether you like it or not. You can choose who to be friends with, but you can’t help being acquainted with people who come along your way. Some acquaintances can be brief and temporary, but once you know someone, you can’t undo that (unless you forget them in time, that is). Which brings me to this…

  • miscellaneous

    Singapore Flyer

    Some pictures taken at the Singapore Flyer. My careless self brought a camera that ran out of battery, so could only take a few shots with my phone.  Oneiroi’s Orb, made up of circular artefacts from the past and present. Journey of dreams. View from inside the capsule. View from above. Breathtaking!  View #2. View #3.

  • life - musings


    Clear sky, spotted with few fluffy clouds. Light breeze caresses skin, as if trying to soothe her nerves. It would’ve been a perfect day, had it not been this ‘thing’ that’s been bothering her. Why, she wonders. Why is this happening, that is. But more importantly, why is she letting it get to her. It feels as if she’s hanging from a cliff, not knowing whether she’ll be rescued, or if she’ll fall. No amount of nature’s beauty will be able to tranquilize her in that situation. Or, will it? In another point of view, there isn’t much she can…

  • journal

    End of August and Such

    Almost two-thirds of the year have gone by. So much has happened since the start of this year; hopefully more good things will happen in the next few weeks. Can’t write much bout it yet until it really happens. For now, I can only hope for the best. With regard to the incident that prompted me to write the post ‘Weak’ some time ago, I finally made my stance clear and said NO. There was this lady who kept pushing her products to me, forcing me in a polite-but-pushy way (but still forcing nonetheless!) me to buy. I gave in…

  • life - miscellaneous

    Bite-size X’s

    X #1. As I steer my way in and out of the human crowd during peak hours after work, I imagine myself watching my movements from a high vantage point. I must have looked like a tiny blip zig-zagging through the sea of other blips. There are times that I feel it’s harder to maneuver my way amidst the human traffic than it is driving on the 5-lane 405 freeway. Thank goodness PMS only happens once a month, else I’d be bald by now from all the pulling of own hair. X #2: This island republic is over-saturated with consumption. I don’t mean it in…

  • miscellaneous - videologs

    TED Talk on Education

    Many of you may agree that our education system today isn’t doing a great job educating our young ones, and something must be done. This TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson pointed out the problems of our education system today, and urged those who have the ability to make a change do something. I personally think that even if you’re not in the position to make a major difference, this 18-minute video may still benefit you, because who knows, it may change the way you educate your kids in the future. Enjoy!

  • miscellaneous


    Stuff that caught my attention and would like to share- Bill Gates on philanthropy, his take on giving – “Anyone who wants to seriously engage in giving faces two important questions: where can you make the biggest impact, and how do you structure your giving so itโ€™s effective.” In the spirit of our Independence Day, here’s an article written by a former US Ambassador to Malaysia – Malaysia’s Political Awakening: A Call for US Leadership.  A 13-year old boy who won Young Naturalist Award of the American Museum of Natural History for finding the secret of the Fibonacci sequence in trees.…

  • miscellaneous


    if ‘saying no’ was an art, then i had to be the worst of the worst artists. still can’t believe i had zero will power in saying no, only to regret it now, which is pointless. too late. this is not the first time it’s happened to me. time and again, i failed to push back whatever force it was (be it people, or circumstances) coming towards me, nudging me to do things i don’t really (or really don’t) want to do. and for whatever reason, i gave in. urghhhhh i so hate myself right now!! why can’t i just say NO???!!…

  • journal


    man it’s been a longggggg week! couldn’t wait for it to be over, and now- thank goodness it’s the weekend!! part of me just wanna stay at home and chill and do nothing, but another part of me wants to go out and explore. for the past two weekends I’ve been traveling to and fro KL; the trips were worth it, but i need my sleep. ๐Ÿ˜›   pardon me for the dearth of posts lately, work has taken up most of my time (and energy!) the last thing i wanna do when i get home is to sit in front of my laptop. it’s my…

  • health care - medicine

    Nurses’ Day

    At least in Singapore it’s around this time of the year. International Nurses’ Day is sometime in May. Wonder who else celebrates nurses’ day yesterday. I wanna say they’re a great bunch of people; taking care of patients day-in day-out. It’s really a tough job you know, especially those who work in the chronic sick homes and the nursing homes. The fact that they have to change them at least 5 times a day, shower them at least once a day, transfer them etc. is back-breaking enough (I know I couldn’t have lasted more than a month doing these); and…

  • health care - medicine


    saw this video, and i had to share this. being the geek that i am, i always find it fascinating that technology can do so much to enhance our learning experience.

  • movies

    Note on Green Lantern

    Most people who have seen Green Lantern (2011) thought it was just ehhhh, if not bland and boring. I guess to them there’s just one too many superhero movies. Personally, I thought it wasn’t all that bad. For one, I like that they portrayed the multiplicity of the universe, and the Earth being one of the youngest ones. The depiction that we humans are mere fledglings, still learning about the world (and the universe, on a bigger scheme of things) in which we inhabit is a humble acknowledgement, and it fits my idea of the universe. The movie’s theme revolves…