It’s been more than a year since I last posted anything, not because I didn’t want to, but I find myself losing the reason to do so. Some time ago, though, I got a random message from a stranger encouraging me to continue writing because he thought my thoughts were thoughtful and mature, and I thought that was very sweet of him to say so. Truth is, I’ve been meaning to write, and have actually gone as far as creating drafts, but never got around to finishing them up for a myriad of reasons, none of which is important- because now it’d just sound like excuses not to have done something, and excuses are for wimps. Yoda says, you do or do not, there is no try.
So many things happened in the past year. Lots of thoughts and reflections especially when I’m in the wards and in ICU, and in the shower. Some crude thoughts remained saved in the drafts, so maybe they’ll become future posts.
It’s getting colder, we had one snow day last week. Seems like this year’s winter will be a bitter cold one. Keep warm, and I shall stick around and write more frequently. Adios!