
Internal Monologue

This space that has once given me solace, suddenly feels so foreign. It’s been too long since I wrote here. As the year comes to an end, I thought I’d drop by. (Even my choice of words reflect that- I’m ‘dropping by’ to this virtual space that once felt like home to me. Leave a place long enough, and it stops feeling like home… at least initially.) Anyway, I found a number of drafts that were never seen to completion. They were mostly stories about work, emotions that ICU patients and incidences stirred up. Stories of dissatisfaction and disappointment. Angst, anger too. Looking back, I think I didn’t post them for fear of repercussion. A part of me didn’t want to hold back anything if I were to write about them; yet another part of me, the part that ultimately won, was scared. Scared that if those people read it, they might know it’s about them, and would hate on me or react in ways I’m not ready for. Perhaps one day, I’d go back and clean up those drafts, and share them at some point. Today I just wanted to revisit and just… be here.

This year felt long and short at the same time. Anything pre-Covid felt so distant, like it’s been eons since that ‘normalcy’. We graduated from residency, and some of my closest friends left to start their new jobs and new lives elsewhere. Some people whom I thought were friends turned out to not be so. That was something I couldn’t get over. How many minutes and days have I spent (wasted) dwelling on the why…?! I wish I knew. Alas, I’d never find out. It took a long time to get out of the mind trap, and I think I’m finally over it (maybe?!). Sometimes you just have to let go. And so this year, amongst all the lessons I’ve learned, the biggest one is to let go. This theme keeps reoccurring, and I think to some extent, I’ll always find it hard to let go, and will never get used to, but it is something we all have to do. In life, if you care enough, you’d feel hurt. Not caring isn’t the answer; learning how to deal with it, is.

That’s all for now. I came here wanting to talk/write about something else. Ended up being sentimental/nonsensical. Blergh. Till the next time!