life and love - people - society at large

Snuffed- Part 2

Image source: Google search on suicide
Looking back at the blogpost I wrote on suicide last year, maybe I was being too harsh on them. I sounded pissed off at those who committed suicide, and indeed I was. I still am, a little bit, when I think about it. But since then, I’ve learnt to see things from a different light. I tried to reason that maybe there were causes obscure to the judging eyes of the public (yes, I too am guilty of it), maybe they were mentally sick but undiagnosed and they didn’t know how to get help, or that they need to get help. It could be a million other reasons for what happened to them, and it is only fair that I don’t jump to conclusion about them so quickly, so unsparingly.  
And so I put the issue to rest and haven’t really thought about it, until last month. Few weeks ago, there was a suicide case- a 17 or 18 year-old boy from my ex-high school jumped from his apartment building due to “depression and pressure from school”, or so the media alleged. *deep sigh*  It just breaks my heart to see a budding young man who had so much to offer and yet chose to end his life just like that. I don’t know why he did what he did, I don’t think anyone will ever know, but I’d contend that ending one’s life is not a way to solve any problem at all. Sigh. If I were to be philosophical about it, I’d question what the heck happened to the society we live in these days, that caused the seemingly increasing number of people who’d rather choose to end life than to face life’s adversity. In this world of abundance, is there not a single ray of hope for them at all?! 
Alas, being philosophical and asking questions like these will not change a thing. Nor will my initial emotion of anger and contempt. Suicidal intent is a mental problem that should be taken more seriously and should be of concern to you, me and people around us. Perhaps if we all know a little more about it, maybe we could detect symptoms of those feeling depressed and are crying for help. And if we could get them help early enough, we might’ve spared a life, and many more heartaches of those around them. 
Though I realize it’s stupid to presume a depressed person would stumble upon this blog, I still want to say this: to those who are feeling depressed or have thought about suicide, please pause for a moment to think about your family, and the people who love and care about you. Know that if and when you die, you’re just dead and that’s the end of it, but it is they who have to live with the pain and the loss of someone they once loved, for the rest of their lives. Nothing can be worse than that, particularly for your parents. 
That’s all I have to rant about today lol. Peace.