
Summer Break Begins

Finally! Done with exams, no more worries about getting distracted, no more nightmares of dying patient asking for help! 😛

Oh what I’d do to get to a beach right now and spend some quality time with myself! But… no. Instead, I’m here, writing about going to the beach, picturing myself taking in deep breaths of fresh air, listening to the sound of waves, feeling the sand in between my toes – even that (which would usually make me squirm) makes being at the beach seem like a far better place to be than where I’m at right now. Oh well. Family trip was canceled, so here I am, trying to get some stuff done before I start on my summer research project.

It’s been exactly a week since our exam, which means I have 6 weeks of summer break left. Felt like I haven’t done anything, except hanging out with friends and brother. I tell myself it’s okay I deserve a break, but I better start working on the list of to-do’s before the summer ends. This is good though. Now that I have an overdose of brother-sister bonding, I can go back to working on my stuff whilst he returns to the lion city down south to start his college life. 🙂