• Malaysia - miscellaneous

    The Neighborhood Kidnap Story

    It’s always just someone else’s story, stories you only read on the news-  until one day it happens to you. Got to come to one’s senses and realize that things like kidnapping, rape, or robbery, are real; and it happens around us all the time. Every day. Heck, it could very well be you or me, if we’re unlucky enough. Be careful when you go out, friends!  Here’s the story about the girl who had a close encounter the other day at The Curve: https://www.facebook.com/notes/chin-xin-ci/30-hours-ago-i-escaped-from-being-kidnapped/10150980821959859 

  • society at large


    These days you read about people committing suicide here and there. There’s the 24 y/o young medical student who thinks he’s Shakespeare or Casablanca or whatever who committed suicide because he wanted to bless his girlfriend’s love for another guy; then there’s the 12-year old boy who committed suicide with a shoelace because he couldn’t go back to the hometown to spend time with grandmother. Seriously????!!!! WTF is wrong with these people?? What is it with these people that made them do what they did? Or rather, what is it about the society at large that cultivated such people or such…

  • journal

    The World Lost A Good One

    am trying to study here, but my mind keeps going back to the news i heard yesterday. on may 22, someone from my high school (a close friend of my close friend) passed away. i don’t know much, all i know is that he had some cancer some years ago and towards the end (i.e. the last i heard, few months ago) he wasn’t getting treatment anymore, probably because it’s end-stage. i wanna write more, but i don’t know him enough to do so. yet even so, it breaks my heart to know someone with such a good heart has…

  • miscellaneous

    The Oatmeal- On Nikola Tesla

    I take no credit in any part of this, just wanted to share it because it cracks me up. If you’re my friend and you have the same kind of humor as I do, you’ll like it for sure. If you’re not, well, I’m 88% sure you’ll like it too.  Enjoy! (Click on the picture below.)

  • miscellaneous


    10 years ago I went to Russia with these friends. Left the place 8 years ago, and I haven’t seen some of them for that long. Now they’re all doctors (except one, who came back like I did), and I’m still back where I first started with them a decade ago. Hard as I try to not think about it, sometimes thoughts invade my stream of consciousness without my consent, and I wonder how I’d turn out if I had just stuck on. I suspect I would’ve turned out just fine, but that’s me speaking in present time, and I…

  • journal

    Cendol Hunt on a Monday Afternoon

    the sun was scorching hot today, just like yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and the day before the day before yesterdayโ€ฆ classes ended earlier today; got my last shot of Hep B vaccination, and off we went in search of cendol, because my classmate Mior was craving for it. ended up at this mini pasar petang (because it’s not pasar malam) at the roadside, where there were probably 7-8 stalls selling deep-fried snacks, noodles, cold drinks etc. – basically all greasy unhealthy food, or, as Phil will say, crappy Malaysian food ๐Ÿ˜›. but Mior wanted cendol and we just wanted to snack,…

  • miscellaneous

    Sharing is Caring 04/30/12

    Thought my friends would find these links interesting: What’s the trouble? by Jerome Groopman – As we go for our longitudinal clerkship every week, witnessing our preceptors diagnose their patients accurately and quickly (most of the time), I wonder how they do it, and if they ever got it wrong sometimes, or missed something. This article talked about how doctors think, how sometimes they, too, can make errors even when they have the best of intentions. Heuristic errors. This article made me want to read his book, titled ‘How Doctors Think’. Adding that to my to-read list. The Paradox of Altruism, by…

  • videologs

    Cowboys vs. Pit Crews

    “We have trained, hired, and rewarded people to be cowboys. But it’s pit crews that we need, pit crews for patients.” – Atul Gawande If you haven’t read his book ‘The Checklist Manifesto’, watching this video kinda sums it up. But if you ask me, I say you should read the book nonetheless. That and the other 2 books before that. His writing is clean and crisp, and he’s a great storyteller. And if you’re in the health care industry, you’ll love the books even more. Enjoy!

  • life - miscellaneous

    Mindless Babble

    the world does not stop spinning it doesn’t care if you have exams tomorrow or the day after or whenever, it doesn’t care if you can’t finish studying or if you need more time to study because you waste too much time lingering on social media/news sites or because you are ill. it doesn’t care if you’re bleeding to death and you need more blood for transfusion- blood that better match your ABO blood group and best be HLA-matched as well. it doesn’t care if you’re a genius or a janitor when it comes to accidents, diseases, or cancers. it…

  • journal


    My Mr. Bear is just so cute I couldn’t resist putting this photo up. ๐Ÿ˜€   Our visiting professor does yoga and we got him to conduct a couple of sessions when he was here with us. It was so much fun, I can’t remember how much I enjoyed it and how much I missed it. Hopefully one of our classmates who teaches yoga can start a class with us on a regular basis. It’s high time we put words into action; thinking about it but not doing anything is just as good as nothing.